Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spring Plannings

Although it is about three degrees outside, and Buffalo is covered in snow and slush, now is the perfect time to start making plans for when the world turns green and things start growing again.

Many of the fine farmers who run CSAs are using this time of year to plan out what they are going to grow, how many seeds they need, and how they are going to operate this year. If you are not familiar with CSAs, it is short for Community Supported Agriculture--an farm where non-farmers (i.s. city-dwellers) can buy a share in the farm and then receive a share of the harvest each week. It is a great way to reconnect to the food that you eat and to get to know one of your local farmers, and it is a good way to try new vegetables that might not otherwise make it to your table.

Now is the time to start reserving your share with whichever CSA you choose. There are a number of local operations, some of which have delivery sites in the City of Buffalo. Whitney and Ann were our main CSA "correspondents" last summer, and you can read back through some of their old posts for their comments on what the CSA experience was like for them. I did not sign up for a CSA last year, but this year I think I am going to take the veggie plunge!

If you check our web links on the right, there are a couple that will help direct you to a few local CSAs.

Also, if you are planning your own garden for the Spring, seed catalogs started arriving a couple of weeks ago. Burpee, of course, is the classic source for seeds. Does anyone know of a local source for ordering seeds?

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