Friday, June 24, 2011

GoVeggies! Lentil Burger

It took me awhile but I just got around to trying another GoVeggies! burger variety.

The lentil burger is awesome. I feel better now saying that I wasn't in love with the Spinach Burger (but it's the most popular, so you don't have to take my word for it.) Now that I can praise another burger variety, I don't feel so guilty. I guess this is how Olympic judges feel, when they have to adjust the first Olympian's score in case someone better comes along.

The lentil burger held together better. It seems the trick is to let the first side get a good crust before flipping it. I put a frozen burger in a pre-heated pan with cooking spray. The burger has a great flavor and meaty texture which will still stand out garnishments and condiments. I had it with local red lettuce from the Bidwell Farmer's market and Five Points multi-grain bread. So good.

I would definitely buy the lentil burger again.

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