Friday, December 12, 2008

NY Food Trader

From a stronger sense of community to a healthier planet to local economic advantages, the movement to eat locally is spurring the growth of farmers' markets throughout the nation — the number operating in the U.S. grew 6.8 percent from 2006 to mid-2008. Now, a new virtual farmers' market in New York State is taking that growth online. provides a free, quick and easy online sales outlet for farmers who want to advertise their products to local customers. Modeled after a similar site in Maryland,, the New York site lets farmers leave contact information with their listings for pesticide-free apple cider and organic pork, chicken and turkey, among other things, so consumers can contact them directly and arrange their own transactions. It's ideal for farmers who have small quantities to sell, eliminating waste and making local agriculture more sustainable. The site is run by the government-funded Environmental Finance Center at Syracuse University. In the future, the center hopes to add a farm-to-farm agricultural exchange where farmers can advertise manure, hay and other items for sale or barter.

I Borrowed this from the Governing Website!!! Here is the direct link:

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