Saturday, December 20, 2008

Plastic Bagless in 2009?

As 2009 approaches, it is time to start thinking about making resolutions and goals for the upcoming year. The writers at Buffalo Locavore have all committed ourselves to trying to make food choices that are more local, more sustainable, and less processed as much as is possible. If you are reading our blog, you have probably made the same commitment.

I would like to propose another resolution for the readers and writers at Buffalo Locavore--no more plastic bags in 2009. Let's think of it as a challenge to see how well we can do when we try to shop solely using reusable bags. Capacious but foldable fabric bags are readily available at a number of places, Wegmans and Tops each sell fabric grocery bags that hold a lot and are inexpensive, and the Lexington Co-Op has great canvas bags. If you carry a large tote bag for work or are just buying a few small things, you won't even need an additional bag.

I always bring my reusable bags to the grocery store, and people often stop me to ask how it is I manage to remember to bring them. I have a basket near my door where I keep them all neatly folded, ready to grab when I head out the door. My husband keeps an extra one in his car so he always has one on hand. I also bought some foldable bags made out of ripstop nylon that fit in my purse and go with me everywhere.

So, if you want to join the challenge, post a comment below and we'll check in periodically to see how far we can go.


Jessica @ Decor Adventures said...

Great resolution. If you buy the recent Buffalo First local coupon book at Lexington, there is a coupon right in it to get their canvas bag for free.

buffalolocavore said...

I am looking forward to using the Buffalo First coupon at the Co-op. Wegman's also has great ripstop nylon bags for $3 each that are very roomy and have front pockets. They fold up to fit in a bag, and they wash very well.

10 days into the new year and so far I have been stuck with 3 plastic bags--once because I bought soap at Wegman's and they put it in a pastic bag iin my reusable grocery bag, which defies logic to me.